The Al Harris Library has several events going on this week.
We're kicking off the week with episode one of the PBS series We Shall Remain.
Enter the fine forgiveness contest! Win up to $5 in fine forgiveness per day. Daily big winners get placed into a drawing at the end of the week.
The Al Harris Library is looking to help form a SWOSU Film Club. Interested? Stop by the library on Wednesday afternoon.
Enjoy playing video games? Want to be in a competition? The Al Harris Library is looking to organize a competition between a college team of players and a team of local youths from the Weatherford Public Library. Stop by the library on Wednesday afternoon if you would like to compete.
Friday, the Library will be having an open house to celebrate the SWOSU Digital Repository. What is this, you say? Simply put, its SWOSU's printed history ONLINE! Stop by and try it out. There will be free food!
The library will be offering free giveaways, free popcorn, and other things. Stop by and see what's going on in the library!
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