With storm season upon us here is a list of designated storm shelters on the SWOSU campus:
For More information: Shelter
- Administration: east and west basement hallways
- Art Building: lowest level away from windows
- Assessment Center: basement
- Athletic Director: interior hallway
- Bookstore/Market: first floor then to storm shelter
- Bulldog Apartments (Mary Savage): neff hall residence life office area
- Burton House: basement
- Campbell: 1st floor interior hallway and offices on west side hallway
- CEBD: exit to Campbell building 1st floor, central hallway, away from windows and doors
- Chem/Pharm/Physics: south basement hallway/1st floor physics hallway, classrooms, offices
- Conference Center: interior hallway
- Education Building: central basement hallway and first floor hallway
- Engineering Technology: basement labs and classrooms rock building
- Fine Arts: lobby stairwells/lobby instrument storage/entrance ramps to auditorium
- Fitness Center: Neff Hall basement
- Green House: Rogers and Jefferson storm shelter
- Hilltop Theater: dressing room and dressing room hallways
- Library: basement auditorium, hallway and classrooms
- Music Building: main hallway
- Neff Hall: Neff Hall residence life hallway/boiler room hallway
- Nursing: basement
- Oklahoma Hall (music annex): music hallway/lobby t.v. area
- Parker Hall: basement
- Pharmacy II: basement hallway and classrooms
- Physical Plant: file storage area northwest room
- Pioneer Cellular Event Center: basement hallways (west and north sides)
- Print Shop: interior hallway
- Rankin Williams Field House: north classroom and hallway
- Rogers and Jefferson Hall: first floor then to storm shelter
- Science Building: first floor hallway
- Stafford: follow signs to basement shelter
- Stewart Hall: main hallway central basement
- Student Development: basement area
- Student Center: central basement hallway and storage area/commuter lounge hallway
- Theatre Scene Shop: lowest level away from windows
- Upward Bound: central hallway
- Wellness Center: men’s or women’s locker room, interior hallway of student health services office area, or the first floor enclosed stairwells